Our Boats

Our Boats

While based on the design of a RIB (rigid inflatable boat) by world-renowned boat builder Redbay, our Stormforce 1250 is a bespoke boat built for Kintyre Express featuring a solid hull, military-grade engines and has been specially crafted to ensure both reliability and comfort for our passengers. Our vessels are coded to the M.C.A. required standards and crewed by fully qualified, experienced skippers.

The Redbay Stormforce 1250 is internationally renowned for its outstanding performance and safety features. For more information please visit redbay boats.

Kintyre Express
Kintyre Express
Kintyre Express
Kintyre Express
Kintyre Express

If you have any queries about our boats and your journey, please visit our frequently asked questions page.
If the information you require is not included here then please contact us by telephone on 01586 555 895 or
by email to: info@kintyreexpress.com

Contact Us

By telephone on the number below or, send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can

(+44) 1586 555 895


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